40 Point Analysis Offer

Website Analysis Request

Did You Know 3 Million People Per Month Search For a Lodge – Guide – Outfitter

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As mentioned in our Email, this is a no obligation and entirely free service that we offer. If you like what we do we just request that you consider our services when the time is right …


Fishing Guides, Lodges & Outfitters Get More Bookings!

by implementing our simple mobile marketing systems and technology in their businesses. Once in place it then runs on autopilot throughout the year ……

We Are Not A Booking Agency

We don’t book trips for you then re-book the guest at another lodge next year.

We Are Not A Directory Service

Your buisiness is not lost in the depths of a online Directory never to be seen

We Are A Marketing & Technology Company

Run by avid fishermen that understand the business of being a Fishing Guide or Lodge Owner.
You spend more on ice then you will on our system …. ice fills your cooler, our system fills your boat
& Hunting & Fishing Is Your  Passion  But Paying Clients Keep The Doors Open
Leveraging Your Marketing Efforts Is A Must
Frequently Asked Questions & Honest Answers

What does Marketing For Guides exactly do?

Unlike most marketing companies that put together a pretty website or brochure we actually design a custom mobile marketing system for you that includes marketing systems and techniques that really work.  Most of our packages include a custom mobile site, professionally designed marketing collateral, email marketing systems, newsletter marketing programs, etc.

Are you some type of booking agency or company that will try and sell me leads?

Absolutely not,  how does the saying go “Give a man a fish and feed him for a day,  teach a man to fish and feed him for a life time”.  Your custom designed marketing system generates leads your your business only. These leads are never shared with any one else.

Do Your Marketing System Really Work?

Marketing systems only work if the owner of the business is committed to help make them work.  For example, having business cards printed is a simple marketing system … but if you don’t hand them out they will never work for you just setting in a drawer in your office.  With that said,  you will be hard pressed to find marketing systems that works as well as ours does for the investment of time and money that it will cost you.

Why should we listen to you …. what kind of experience do you have?

We have over 30 years of marketing/sales experience and are experts in utilizing technology to grow a business.  We have personally generated over 10 million dollars in sales utilizing the techniques and tools we offer our clients.

Copyright 2014 – Global App Consultants – All Rights Reserved

Global App Consultants, LLC
20 Daniel Drive
Eugene, Oregon  97404
(503) 380-8012